Sports achievements 2022/23

We don't only spend time at exhibitions, but also do dog sports, especially Dogdancing. We play sports with our beloved pack Stelinka, Lexinka, Docík, and Julinka competes in Dogdancing with the borrowed dog Tay (Acey-Ducey Zip Zap) from Michaela Míčová.
Lexinka and Docík can be proud of the Master of Dogdancing title of the first degree.

Galaxy passed exams:
- Dog Dancing - F1, DwD1, MD1, HtM1 - by passing these exams, she met MoD1

Docík passed exams:
- Dog Dancing - F1, DwD1, MD1, HtM1 - by passing these exams he met MoD1
- Rally Obedience - RO-Z, RO1
- Obedience - OB-Z

Stellinka past exams:
- Dog Dancing - F1, DwD1
- Rally Obedience - RO-Z

Dogdancing competitions:
- Czech Republic Junior Championship 2022, Prague, 28 October 2022. You decide to go to your first Dogdancing competitions. Where will you go? After all, straight to the Championship of the Czech Republic-:). At the MČR, Julinka performed with Lexinka in the Freestyle category and with Tay in the Heelwork category. How did it go? Julinka and Lexinka - second place. Julinka and Tay - first place - Junior Champion of the Czech Republic! A decent result for the first race-:).

- KCHBO Championship in Dogdancing, Prague, 17/11/2022. Lexinka performed in the Freestyle category and placed in a beautiful 5th place in strong competition.

- European Championship in Dogdancing, juniors, Hungary, 24/09/2023. The victory at the MCR in Dogdancing qualified Julinka and Tay for the European Championship, which took place in Székesferhevár. Upon arrival we were in for a bit of a shock. The hall was in a warehouse area, in the romantic atmosphere of a nearby cemetery. Inside the hall, we reminisced about the riders from Hoštice and hoped that it wouldn't be a part of the Sun, hay and a few slaps. The second impression, on the other hand, was great. There was a large number of hardworking and prompt staff on site. The organization was top notch. Our nerves were tight as strings. Julinka and Tay enter... They succeeded. In our mind we think of a "crate". The announcement is already here. The couple Julinka and Tay are ranked first. European Junior Champions! The joy is immense, indescribable. Many thanks to the owner Taya and the trainer in one person, Míša Míčová.

- Czech Republic Junior Championship 2023, Prague, 7 October 2023. Defense. This is perhaps worse than the first races. We will try the impossible - to defend the title of Junior Champion of the Czech Republic. The nervousness was great. The result was beyond expectations. Julinka just changed the order in the disciplines. Julinka and Tay - first place in the Freestyle category (Junior Champion of the Czech Republic) and second place in the Heelwork category.

- Championship of the Czech Republic in Adult Dogdancing 2023, 12 November 2023, Prague. We like challenges. You probably already knew that... We went to the MČR among adult male and female competitors. Experienced competitors, multiple European champions, adults who have been going to competitions for many years and our little competitor with Tay. The dream was to place in the TOP 10. Our secret wish was heard. Heelwork category - 10th place out of 29 competitors. Freestyle category - 10th place out of 21 competitors.

- KCHBO Championship in Dogdancing, Prague, 9 December 2023. International exhibition on Friday and competitions on Saturday. After all, you know us -:). Lexinka really enjoyed the races, there were few mistakes, but the competition was huge. It was the seventh place.